Through the use of molecular biology methods, reliable answers can be found to certain forensic questions—especially those regarding identification. Using so-called DNA profiling, patterns of variable DNA sections that are unique to every human being can be depicted. These patterns are short tandem repeats (STRs)—certain sequences of DNA that are repeated at different frequencies.
DNA is found in the cell nucleus and in certain cell organelles called mitochondria. Nuclear DNA (chromosomal DNA) carries an individual's complete genetic information. Chromosomal DNA contains just 2–3% of coding information, while most of the rest consists of non-coding sequences. Since these are highly individual, they are suitable for forensic purposes.
Range of services:
- Parentage assessments (paternity, maternity and other familial relationships)
- Identification of unknown corpses/body parts (also in mass accidents, catastrophes)
- Molecular genetic examination of biological traces